Transformed Spiritual Campaign
Transformed is a 50 day study of the transforming power of Jesus Christ, where we look at God’s plan to transform us in 7 key areas of our lives: spiritual health, physical health, mental health, emotional health, relational health, financial health, and vocational health. This series will challenge us to allow God’s Word to renew our minds and change the way we think: about God, about ourselves, about our relationships, our finances, our careers — about everything. When we learn to think differently, we will begin to live differently, and as we learn to think God’s way, we will begin to live God’s way.
Small groups will be meeting from February 10 – March 24 for a video and discussion of each topic in this campaign. Books/journals are available to go with each week. If you are not in a Small Group please feel free to drop into one of our drop-in groups – Sunday night at 5:30 pm or Wednesday night at 7:00 pm. Sunday night’s Small Group will include a meal. Everyone is asked to bring finger food to share.
Messages in this Series
Vocational Health: Facing Giants in Life and Work
Vocational Health: Facing Giants in Life and Work A look at the many giants David had to face in his life.
Financial Health: Transforming How I See and Use Money
Financial Health: Transforming How I See and Use Money Deuteronomy 8:18, “Always remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Relational Health: Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships
Relational Health: Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships How our fears can ruin relationships and how to live in God's love.
Emotional Health: How To Deal With How You Feel
Emotional Health: How To Deal With How You Feel How to understand and manage your emotions. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaringlion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Mental Health: Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind
Mental Health: Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind A look at a few daily choices we must make to have a healthy mind. “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace” Romans...
Physical Health: From Stressed to Blessed
Physical Health: From Stressed to Blessed Spiritual habits that will reduce stress in our modern life.
Spiritual Health
Spiritual Health How can we get closer to God?
Setting Personal Goals By Faith
Setting Personal Goals By Faith How to set and achieve goals in your life.