Purpose Statement
Our men’s group helps men awaken to the call of Christ, accelerate towards God’s purposes, and apply his truth to everyday life.
Silver Creek Fellowship believes Christian men fellowshipping together is critical in nurturing the kind of spiritual maturity that leads to individual, family, and ultimately, church health. Men’s group aims at encouraging depth of relationship and provides monthly opportunities to do so.
Questions? Contact John Bishop at (541) 661-2643 or email

Men’s Breakfast – 3rd Saturday of each month, 7:00 am. At Silver Creek Fellowship, the Lobby. Enjoy a free breakfast and a short devotion. Men of all ages are invited to come.

Iron Men. A group of men serving together in a pure, simple way that sharpens us all and puts us in a place to tangibly serve God and the church. This group of men is available to do any type of physical project you need: yard work, moving, heavy lifting, and more. Need some help? Click the button below.
Men's Small Groups
Tuesdays at 6:15 pm
Young Men’s Bible Study. The goal of Rooted is to give young men a biblical understanding of what a man should be as opposed to what the world says. This is a group for young men, high school age through 29 years old. Questions? Contact Devin Geiger at 503.881.7940.