Not able to join us this week? Enjoy SCF Kids at Home.
Purpose Statement
Our ministry exists to bring children into age appropriate WORSHIP where they can BELONG to the family of God, BECOME more like Jesus, learn to SERVE and then go SHARE Christ in the world!
Here at Silver Creek Fellowship we believe that it is never too soon to begin the process of training and equipping our kids to take their place as effective members of the Body of Christ. We also believe that they should begin to take that place not when they grow up but as they grow up. We think that can best happen in a safe, loving atmosphere with committed people using a Bible based curriculum to minister to our kids in every phase of their childhood development. To that end we do everything we can to come alongside the parents to see our kids discover and be released into God’s purposes for their lives week by week and year after year.
We have a prophetic promise that kids from Silver Creek will be raised up and sent out to touch the nations. We take this call/promise very seriously and so we invest a tremendous amount of time, talent and treasure toward seeing it accomplished. We encourage you to join with on this great adventure.
Pre-Register Your Child
If you’re new to SCF, it would help us on Sunday mornings for you to pre-register your kids. This helps us know contact information, name and age of your child, as well as any allergies they may have. Then when you come on Sunday mornings, all you have to do is tell the check-in attendant your name and receive your name tag(s).
We have a prophetic promise that kids from Silver Creek will be raised up and sent out to touch the nations. We take this call/promise very seriously, so we invest a tremendous amount of time, talent and treasure toward seeing it accomplished. We encourage you to join with us on this great adventure.
Indoor Playgroup
Mondays, 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Summer Hours
Do you and your kids need some time out of the house? Caregivers with kids 0 – 5 years old are invited to come hang out while the kids play. Bring your coffee and enjoy some time together with others caregivers! Come when you can.
0-3 year olds
Sundays: 9:00 & 11:00 am
CONTACT: Renee Hunter
Phone: 503-873-7353
We help even our youngest kids become familiar with Bible stories and learn about Jesus’ love for them. We provide kids with a place where they feel safe and cared for and can begin to learn how to trust God and others.
Sunday Mornings – Our nursery attendants are ready for you! Check in your baby in the lobby or Room 2. Save your tag to pick them up after the service. All of our toys are sanitized continuously.
Dedicating Your Child
SCF believes children are a gift from God and celebrates parents who choose to raise their kids with godly principles. Dedication is a time of public and personal commitment, where parents make a covenant to teach their kids about building a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Preschool Kids hear Bible stories and learn more about how God wants us to live. They are guided in activities, lesson review, and questions with their leader.
Sunday Mornings – Our preschoolers meet during both services. Check-in your child in the lobby and then you will be directed to their classroom. Keep the ticket you receive at check-in to pick up your child after the service.
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matthew 19:14
Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Sundays: 9:00 & 11:00 am
CONTACT: Renee Hunter
Phone: 503-873-7353
Elementary SCF Kids hear Bible stories and learn more about how God wants us to live. They are guided in activities, lesson review, and questions with their leader.
Sunday Mornings – Our elementary kids meet during both services. Check-in your child in the lobby and then you will be directed to their classroom. Keep the ticket you receive at check-in to pick up your child after the service. Elementary kids meet together to start, then separate based on grade for lesson and discussion.