Together discovering God’s dream for our lives.
We do this by loving Jesus, belonging to God’s family, becoming more like Jesus, serving in His church and sharing the good news with the world. Accomplishing that mission goes beyond the weekend experience. We believe it’s important to find a community to help you live out your faith. We’re committed to impacting our church, our community, and our world.
Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you are welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, lifegiving connection to God and a community of people.
We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on together discovering and walking into God’s dream for our lives.

Pastor Kurt Barnes and his wife Summer were both raised in Silverton and have a deep love and care for their town and its people. They are passionate about helping people discover God’s dream for their lives and making a difference in the community. They have two kids, Keegan and Kyler, and love to do family activities together.
Silver Creek Fellowship is a Purpose Driven Church. There are certain values that we hold as a church that determines our direction.
WORSHIP – Love Jesus
FELLOWSHIP – Belong to God’s family
DISCIPLESHIP – Become more like Jesus
MINISTRY – Serve in His church
MISSION – Share the good news with the world

Silver Creek Fellowship is a Purpose Driven Church. There are certain values that we hold as a church that determines our direction.
WORSHIP – Love Jesus
FELLOWSHIP – Belong to God’s family
DISCIPLESHIP – Become more like Jesus
MINISTRY – Serve in His church
MISSION – Share the good news with the world
Our Priorities and Beliefs
There are certain priorities and beliefs that we hold as a church that determines our direction.
Personal intimacy with God
We encourage each member to pursue God for themselves through prayer, the study of the Bible and worship.
The Bible
We are a church that teaches from the Bible in a way that is practical, exciting and applicable to our everyday lives.
The Holy Spirit
We believe a vital personal relationship with Him is necessary and available today. The Holy Spirit is sent to help us become and accomplish all that Jesus desires.
Much of our time together as a church will be spent singing songs of praise and worship to our God.
Sharing what we've found
We will be “outreach oriented”. Our Sunday morning service will be designed to help newcomers feel welcomed and comfortable. We will seek to encourage and train our members to effectively share the good news about Jesus to those around them.
We encourage all of our members to get involved in a small group. Small groups are our primary means of ensuring our members receive pastoral care, discipleship and opportunity to make friends.
Everyone involved in the church will be encouraged and helped to discover an area of involvement for them. It is our belief that “every member is a minister” and that the church functions best when everyone is participating.
Our youth and kids ministry is one of our highest priorities. We invest time, talent, people and money to ensure that our children have a high quality ministry offered to them. We want to see the Christian faith passed on to future generations in the lives of our kids and our youth.