Modern Idols
In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. In this series we’ll dive deep into the subtle yet pervasive idols that vie for our hearts today. Together, we’ll explore how even good things can lead us away from God’s dream for our lives.
Daily Devotionals
Messages in this Series
What the Bible says about our sexuality.
We live in a world that clamors for ease and convenience, often encouraging us to demand comfort as a right. However, the biblical reality is very...
We are not to be disengaged politically. We must be good stewards of the opportunity that we have to help create a society that works better for...
The idol of distraction, especially through our digital devices, is not easily overthrown. It requires intentionality and discipline. But as we see...
Money easily becomes entangled with root idols, making it particularly potent and seductive tool for the enemy. Kurt speaks on how we can combat...
Modern Idols
God created us to love and worship Him above all things; our sin consists of the fact that we have chosen a bunch of things to love and worship in...