Become Like Jesus

Become Like Jesus

Become Like Jesus Looking at the second goal of our apprenticeship to Jesus – become like Him. Kurt looks at 6 ways we are formed. Become Like Jesus by Kurt Barnes Notes...
Become Like Jesus

Be With Jesus

Be With Jesus Jesus repeats the phrase “abide in” 10 times within 10 verses of John 15. We are all abiding in something, whether is be our careers, our families, social media, exercise, addictions. Where are you looking in order to produce the fruit you...
Become Like Jesus

Apprentice to Jesus

Apprentice to Jesus An introductory message to the “Everyday Abiding” series. Apprentice to Jesus by Kurt Barnes Notes...
Your God is Too Small

Your God is Too Small

Your God is Too Small We often think we need explanations that we can easily understand. We think, “God, if you would just explain it all to me, I’d be satisfied.” What we really need is a revelation of a God who is big enough—who is GOD ENOUGH—to work all this mess...
The Basis for Prayer

The Basis for Prayer

The Basis for Prayer Any time prayer becomes boring to you or your prayer life becomes dry or isn’t meaningful to you, it’s because you don’t understand how good God is. When you understand how good God really is, your prayer life will become so much more...
The Basis for Prayer

Destiny Changing Prayer

Destiny Changing Prayer Four characteristics of difference-making, eternity-altering, destiny-changing prayers that we can find in 1 Kings 18. Destiny Changing Prayer by Kurt Barnes Notes...