You can make a difference right now.

You can make a difference right now.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen You can make a difference right now.   DOWNLOAD WEEKLY RESOURCES Devotional Parent Cue Recent Lessons You can make a difference right now. February 23You can make a difference right now.  DOWNLOAD WEEKLY RESOURCESRecent Lessons Use...
You can make a difference right now.

Use your gifts to make a difference.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen Use your gifts to make a difference. In week 3, we head to Acts 16:13-15, where we find a successful businesswoman named Lydia. On Paul’s second journey, he headed to Philippi where he found Lydia and a group of women gathered together to...
You can make a difference right now.

God made you to make a difference.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen God made you to make a difference. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but were too scared to do because you thought either someone else was better at it or that you weren’t good enough? Sometimes our fears can get in the way of the...
You can make a difference right now.

God made you, knows you, and loves you.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen God made you, knows you, and loves you. Have you ever done one of those icebreaker questions that asks what is one thing no one else knows about you? You can probably think of at least one or two fairly quickly, but here’s the thing: God knows...
God can help you choose joy.

God can help you choose joy.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen God can help you choose joy. We close out the month in Acts 16:16-40. While Paul and Silas were preaching the message of Jesus, they were arrested and thrown into prison! All seemed hopeless, but instead of complaining and giving up, they sang...
God can help you choose joy.

When you’re angry, talk to God.

SCF Kids At Home Preteen When you’re angry, talk to God. Have you ever gotten so angry that you said the first thing that came to your mind and instantly regretted it? Anger doesn’t have to get the best of us. When we’re angry we need to be cautious of how we...