Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

SCF Kids At Home Preschool Jesus says, “Follow Me.” Jesus chooses the first four of his twelve disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the synagogue filled with religious leaders to find them, and he didn’t go to the powerful political leaders to find them. Jesus...
Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

SCF Kids At Home Preschool Jesus is a good friend when I am happy. Zacchaeus is a tax collector which means his job is to take money from people. One day, Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is coming to the town where he lives. Zacchaeus wants to see Jesus so badly that he...
Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am sad.

SCF Kids At Home Preschool Jesus is a good friend when I am sad. Mary and Martha are friends with Jesus, but they are very sad because their brother, Lazarus, died. Jesus takes His friends, the disciples, with Him to visit Mary and Martha. When Mary and Martha see...
Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am excited

SCF Kids At Home Preschool Jesus is a good friend when I am excited. As Jesus and the disciples walk into a village, they hear some men shouting. There are ten men who have a skin disease that only Jesus can make go away. The men cry out and ask Jesus to help them....
Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am afraid

SCF Kids At Home Preschool Jesus is a good friend when I am afraid. Jesus’ friends, the disciples, are on a boat in the water, and they see something coming toward them. They are all afraid until Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid.” Peter, being the bold one of the bunch,...