The Life of David
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel follow the biography of David, Israel’s greatest king. A king who began his life as a harp playing shepherd boy but became a warrior who brought rival nations to their knees. A king described as “a man after God’s own heart.” But also, a king whose personal sins devastated not only his own family, but the nation. In triumph and in tragedy, this king points forward to a greater king to come.
Messages in this Series
A Man After God’s Heart
A message about David's heart.
Psalm 23 – A Psalm of David
What does Psalm 23 tell us about the shepherd and what is it like to be under His care?
David’s Sin
How David put himself in a situation of sexual sin that destroyed many lives in 2 Samuel 11.
David and the Ark
Kurt continues looking at the life of David in 2 Samuel 5-6.
Wait For It
What do you do when the path you’re on takes an unexpected turn for the worst? What do you do when life takes a negative turn that you weren’t expecting? Rob looks at why we need to resist falling into the temptation of taking matters into our own hands.
David on the Run
Continuing our series about the life of David, we look at how to become more aware of the presence of God.
You’ve Got a Friend in Me
A message about the friendship between David and Jonathan.
David and Goliath
A look at how David defeated Goliath and how we can do the same to overcome our own giants that we face in our lives.
God’s Unlikely Choice
Kurt kicks off "The Life of David" series with a sermon about not despising the moments in our lives where God is keeping us in the waiting. But rather focusing on living faithfully in the present.