Romans – God’s Righteousness Revealed

How does it happen that in the death and resurrection of Jesus, world history took a new direction, and at the same moment the life of every man, woman, and child on the planet was eternally affected?  What is God up to?  What does it mean that Jesus “saves”?  What’s behind all this, and where is it going?  Journey with us as we examine these questions and more as we study the book of Romans.


Messages in this Series

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

How To Have An Effective Ministry Romans 15:14 "I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another."  Every believe is called to be a minister.  How can we do this? Find out more...

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: Building Up Each Other

Building Up Each Other In the first half of Romans 14, Paul teaches us the importance of accepting each other.  Now he takes us a step further to teach us how to actively build up each other in the Body of Christ.

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: Accepting Each Other

Accepting Each Other Romans 14:1 “Accept him whose faith is weak without passing judgment on disputable matters.” Why should we accept other people?  How should be accept others?  Find the answers and more in this sermon.

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: How to Grow A Loving Church

How To Grow A Loving Church Romans 12:9-16.How do you learn to love? Romans 12 offers some pretty specific ways to love and also teaches us how to respond when wronged.

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

How Then Shall We Live? Romans 12:1-8.  Paul introduces two hugely important ideas; service and sacrifice. By service and sacrifice we can experience what's been said and by the promises we are free for a life of service and sacrifice.

Romans: How To Have An Effective Ministry

Romans: God Always Keeps His Promises

Due to technical difficulties there is no video or audio for this sermon.  The sermon notes are posted though! God Always Keeps His Promises! Romans 11:1-36.  God didn't give up on the Israelites, He hasn't given up on us and He is always of faithful.