SCF Kids At Home


Jesus loves everyone.

Matthew is a tax collector. That means his job is to collect money from people, but he takes more money than he is should. That makes people very mad! But Jesus loves Matthew and wants to be his friend so He tells Matthew: “Follow Me!” And Matthew follows Jesus! Jesus has dinner at Matthew’s house and a lot of people show up. Some people ask, “Why would Jesus want to be friends with someone who makes bad choices?” Because Jesus loves everyone.


Recent Lessons

Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

Jesus says, "Follow Me." Jesus chooses the first four of his twelve disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the synagogue filled with religious leaders to find them, and he didn’t go to the powerful political leaders to find them. Jesus went to a fishing village and tells four...

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy. Zacchaeus is a tax collector which means his job is to take money from people. One day, Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is coming to the town where he lives. Zacchaeus wants to see Jesus so badly that he climbs a tree to get a better...

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am sad.

Jesus is a good friend when I am sad. Mary and Martha are friends with Jesus, but they are very sad because their brother, Lazarus, died. Jesus takes His friends, the disciples, with Him to visit Mary and Martha. When Mary and Martha see Jesus, they cry, and Jesus...

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am excited

Jesus is a good friend when I am excited. As Jesus and the disciples walk into a village, they hear some men shouting. There are ten men who have a skin disease that only Jesus can make go away. The men cry out and ask Jesus to help them. Jesus tells them to go and...

Jesus is a good friend when I am happy.

Jesus is a good friend when I am afraid

Jesus is a good friend when I am afraid. Jesus’ friends, the disciples, are on a boat in the water, and they see something coming toward them. They are all afraid until Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid.” Peter, being the bold one of the bunch, hops out of the boat and...

The wise men travel a long way to show Jesus they believe He is special.

We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special

December 22 We celebrate Christmas to show everyone that Jesus is special. What do we do on the day someone is born? We celebrate with a birthday party! So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do for Jesus. It’s time for us to show and tell Jesus how special He is! So,...

The wise men travel a long way to show Jesus they believe He is special.

Jesus is born to show the world that God loves us

December 8 Jesus is born to show the world that God loves us. Joseph and Mary travel a long way to the town of Bethlehem. When they finally get there, they need to find a place to stay, but there is no guest room for them. So, Joseph and Mary stay in a place where...

The wise men travel a long way to show Jesus they believe He is special.

God sends an angel to tell Mary she is going to have His son, Jesus.

December 1 God sends an angel to tell Mary she is going to have His son, Jesus. God has an important message to tell Mary so God sends an angel to Mary. When Mary first sees the angel, she is afraid, but the angel says, “Do not be afraid.” The angel tells Mary that...

I can talk to God about anything

I can talk to God about anything

November 24 I can talk to God about anything. King Hezekiah loves God, and he prays and talks to God. So, when King Hezekiah is worried about the safety of his city, he prays and talks to God about it. God sends the prophet Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that God has heard...

I can talk to God about anything

I can trust God will show me the way

November 10 I can trust God will show me the way. God loves the Israelites so much that God promises to lead them to a new home. This home will have all the food they will need. God calls it a land ‘flowing with milk and honey.’ But how do they find their new home?...

I can talk to God about anything

I can trust God

November 3 I can trust God. While taking care of his sheep, Moses sees a bush that is on fire, but there is something different about it. The leaves are still green. The bush isn’t burning up. Then, Moses hears God’s voice coming from inside the burning bush. God...

God is with me wherever I go

God is with me wherever I go

October 27 God is with me wherever I go. God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh to tell the people who lived there to do what God says and love one another. But Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh. So, Jonah went the other way and got on a boat! While Jonah was...

God is with me wherever I go

God has plans for me

October 20 God has plans for me. Joseph’s dad gave him a very special coat, which made some of his brothers so mad they sent Joseph far away to work in a place called Egypt. While Joseph was there, he was sent to jail for something he didn’t do! But one day, the king...

God is with me wherever I go

God always hears me

October 13 God always hears me. Hagar and her son Ishmael were in a desert, and they ran out of water to drink. They were very thirsty. Hagar began to cry, and her son began to cry too. An angel of God told Hagar, “God has heard the boy crying.” God was with Hagar and...

God is with me wherever I go

God is always with me

October 6 God is always with me. Daniel loved God and prayed to God three times a day. But some other people who worked for the king tricked the king into creating a new law that said no one could pray to God. Daniel did what he had always done. He prayed to God. When...