Christmas Hope: Finding Light in Darkness

Christmas Hope: Finding Light in Darkness

Christmas Hope: Finding Light in Darkness During Advent, we remember what it was like in those days before Jesus came to save the world. And though today we still live in a world marred by sin and suffering, we can find hope in the knowledge that our Lord is with us...


Thanksgiving During the Thanksgiving holiday, we’re often so busy preparing, cooking, eating, and watching football that often the only real thanks to God that gets done is the prayer before the big meal. We miss the whole point of the holiday: Give thanks to God for...
Moving Forward from the Valley

Moving Forward from the Valley

Moving Forward from the Valley Habakkuk wants us to know not only that God can handle our heartache and our tears, but that in some mysterious way, it often is the very vehicle by which He leads us to more deeply experience His presence and to authentic worship. Our...
Moving Forward from the Valley

Lessons from Habakkuk’s Valley

Lessons from Habakkuk’s Valley What do you do when you are in the valley?  What do you do when you’re struggling and you know that God could do something, but it doesn’t seem like He is? And nothing makes sense and you’re wondering, “God, where are...
Moving Forward from the Valley

Wrestling With God

Wrestling With God The prophet Habakkuk’s struggle with the question, “Why does evil sometimes seem to thrive?” Wrestling With God by Kurt Barnes Notes View Devotional Week...

The Key to Finishing Well: God’s Grace

The Key to Finishing Well: God’s Grace Our goal shouldn’t just be to stagger across the finish line. We should aim to finish the race of life well; to enjoy the abundant life that God planned for us. God’s grace helps us get through the great...