by admin | Jun 11, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
A Heart for the Nations Psalm 67 – “May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us.” Special guest speaker Mike Sprenger speaks on Psalms 67 and how being changed from the inside out gives you a heart for the nations. A...
by Jeff Davidson | Jun 4, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
Walking in the Wonderful Ways of God As we change from the inside out we also learn to walk in the wonderful ways of God. Walking in the Wonderful Ways of God by Jeff Davidson Bulletin...
by Rob Barnes | May 28, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
How Jesus Changes Us Do you want to change but are afraid of it at the same time? Rob continues his series on “Changed From the Inside Out” with this message answering the questions “What will happen if I ask Jesus to change me?” How Jesus...
by Rob Barnes | May 21, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
Defeating Persistent Temptations “I don’t understand myself at all for I really want to do what is right but I don’t do it. Instead I do the very things I hate.” Romans 7:15. How do you keep from doing the wrong thing over and over? Find out...
by Kurt Barnes | May 14, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
Rest From the Inside Out “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:2-3a. Rest From the Inside Out by Kurt Barnes Bulletin...
by Rob Barnes | May 7, 2017 | Changed From the Inside Out, Sermons
How Much You Matter To God We judge our self-worth by different standards than God does. Find out more about the standards we use and what God has to say about that as we continue our “Changed From the Inside Out” series. How Much You Matter to God by Rob...