The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan All of us need a Good Samaritan at some point in our lives. All of us have times where we need help. Times where we’ve really gotten ourselves into a pickle and we need someone to bail us out. We need someone to intervene, or we’re not...

With God Nothing is Lost

With God Nothing is Lost Guest speaker Ferdinand Sangoye from Gabon joins us to speak about the faithfulness of God. With God Nothing is Lost by Ferdinand Sangoye...

Missions Sunday

Missions Sunday Missions Sunday Reports from several members who have been involved in recent missions. Missions Sunday by Various...

Uncommon Hope

Uncommon Hope Uncommon Hope Hope is not based on what you know or feel or think or accomplish. Hope is found in Who you know. For hope isn’t a feeling; it’s a Person. Uncommon Hope by Kurt Bubna

Designed by God

Designed by God Designed by God We have been designed by God to fulfill a purpose. Warren speaks about 3 examples in the bible of people that were going one direction, but were redirected by God. Designed by God by Warren Stroup...