Strengthening Families

The mark of a successful family is its ability to encourage personal growth in its members.  When a family doesn’t encourage personal spiritual growth things will get boring and stagnant in a hurry.  Strengthening Families is a sermon series that is designed to encourage growth.  Awesome families encourage growth.  They help each other develop.  If you haven’t learned anything new or developed any new interest in a long time, you’re not growing!

July 16 – What Wise Parents Know & Do
July 23 – Parenting Isn’t For Cowards
August 6 – Hope For Hurting Parents

Messages in this Series

Hope For Hurting Parents

Hope For Hurting Parents

Hope For Hurting Parents What do you do when you've raised your child in a godly home but they still rebel?  Rob talks about  what the bible says about the Prodigal.  How does the father react?  What can we do until they return?

Hope For Hurting Parents

What Wise Parents Know and Do

What Wise Parents Know and Do Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”  It is a parent's job to raise their children in Christ so it can be passed down through generations.