Rediscover Christmas
Good news in troubling times.
Messages in this Series
Next Time Will Be Different
Next Time Will Be Different The differences between the first coming of Jesus at Christmas and the Second Coming in our future.
Finding Love in Our Differences
Finding Love in Our Differences A look at several things God reveals about His love during the time of Jesus' birth.
Finding Joy in Our Discouragements
Finding Joy in Our Discouragements There is a lot of joy expressed all-throughout the biblical Christmas story, especially early on in the story. But it’s important to note that this joy isn’t separate from pain and disappointment. In fact, much of the joy we see is...
Finding Peace in Our Struggles
Finding Peace in Our Struggles Week 2 of advent focusing on the gift of peace that God wants to give you.
Finding Hope in Our Uncertainties
Finding Hope in Our Uncertainties Advent looks back in celebration at the hope fulfilled in Jesus’s coming, while at the same time looking forward in hopeful and eager anticipation to the coming of Christ’s kingdom when He returns for His people. During Advent we wait...