Silver Creek Fellowship At Home

One of the incredible things about the time we live is that the Church is not limited by buildings or geography. We love gathering together in person and find tremendous value in it, but that isn’t possible for everyone, all the time. Our hope is that SCF at Home gives everyone the chance to gather together in worship, connect with others, and find resources that will encourage and enrich them.

Join us online, Sundays at 9:00 am

Create an environment of worship and connection.

We want to make it easy for you to create a worship experience wherever you are.

Get access to materials and resources.

Message Notes

You can find and fill out message notes every week on your phone using the SCF App or print them out from our website by clicking on the sermon here.

SCF Kids At Home

Enjoy SCF Kids at home with your children with weekly resources and updates.

Think about what a weekend experience looks like at home.

Clear out distractions.

Remove any barriers to worship and learning. Find a space in your home and set it up to be warm and inviting. Include the kids and turn up the volume! Worship is for everyone.

Practice hospitality.

Whether you are able to experience service with a couple of friends, or whether we’re all staying in our homes for a season, find ways to get to know the people you are worshipping with, even if it’s all online.

Set the tone.

Be the leader in your home. Help everyone stay focused on the service and be ready afterwards to answer questions.

Think about what a weekend experience looks like at home.

Clear out distractions.

Remove any barriers to worship and learning. Find a space in your home and set it up to be warm and inviting. Include the kids and turn up the volume! Worship is for everyone.

Practice hospitality.

Whether you are able to experience service with a couple of friends, or whether we’re all staying in our homes for a season, find ways to get to know the people you are worshipping with, even if it’s all online.

Set the tone.

Be the leader in your home. Help everyone stay focused on the service and be ready afterwards to answer questions.

Make our Response Time a part of your experience.

Response time is one of the most important parts of a Silver Creek service and it can be done right where you are.


Spend time in prayer for one another, family, and friends.


Remember the sacrifice of Christ through providing bread or crackers and juice for Communion.


We light candles to symbolize prayers that we offer to God on behalf of others. When we light a candle, we place an intention or request before the Lord. Have some candles available so that people can offer prayers and light symbols of hope.



Click here to view our livestreamed online service on Sundays at 9:00 am.


Click here to give.



Click here to download our app.


Click here to access all of our current and past sermons.


Click here to start your account with free access to thousands of Christian videos, Bible studies, and more.


Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel with all of our sermons, inspirational stories and more.


Click here to access all of our inspirational testimonies from some of our members.


Click here to listen to our archive of daily podcasts with short, inspirational messages.