Life Together
We were never meant to live out God’s purposes in isolation or solitude. This series will help each of us move toward spiritual maturity and a meaningful life on earth, revealing how God uses other people for your good and growth.
From the beginning, God’s plan has been that you will fulfill His purposes with other people – people in your church family, in your small group, and in the world around you. The bible says we were formed for fellowship, and it’s only through relationships that we learn life’s most important lesson – how to love.
Our goal for this series is to see people begin new relationships with Christ, to see practical needs met, for the church to become well-known more for the love it shows, and for a spiritual awakening that is desperately needed in our culture.
April 22 – Reaching Out Together
April 29 – What Destroys Relationships and What Builds Them?
May 6 – Who Is My Neighbor?
May 13 – The Greatest Mother’s Day Gift
May 27 – Living A Generous Life
Jun 3 – Why Must I Forgive Them?
Jun 10 – What Have We Learned?
Messages in this Series
Why Must I Forgive Them?
Why Must I Forgive Them? What does Jesus say about how many time we should forgive someone? "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven...
Living a Generous Life
Living a Generous Life Rob speaks on the importance of giving and being obedient to God. Matthew 6:24, "You cannot serve both God and money."
Rooted in the Church Community
Rooted in the Church Community Have you ever felt alone? God designed the church community for us to do life together. To never feel alone and always have people around us.
The Greatest Mother’s Day Gift
The Greatest Mother's Day Gift What gifts should you give your mother to show your love and appreciation for her? "Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 10:12.
Who Is My Neighbor?
Who Is My Neighbor? Find out how Jesus wants us to treat everyone from the parable of the good Samaritan.
What Destroys Relationships and What Builds Them Up?
What Destroys Relationships and What Builds Them Up? What are the habits that damage our relationships with others and how can we fix what's been destroyed? “Even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each...
Reaching Out Together
Reaching Out Together We were never meant to live out God's purposes in isolation or solitude. This series will help each of us move toward spiritual maturity and a meaningful life on earth, revealing how God uses other people for your good and growth. From the...