822 Industry Way, Silverton, OR 97381
A promise is an assurance that a certain thing will come to pass. We make promises all the time. Sometimes we see them through. Other times they never become a reality. But God is different. When he makes a promise, we can be confident that He will be faithful to bring it to fruition. The Bible is full of promises from God to His people, and there is one life-changing promise we celebrate every Christmas: God’s promise of a Savior named Jesus. Join us this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of God’s promise to us.
Click on an event below for more information.
December 2 – January 1, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm. See dates and times for our Christmas Lights in the yard. It’s FREE!
Saturday, December 21 and Sunday, December 22. A Thrill Of Hope is a dramatic storytelling musical presentation of the greatest story ever told—the true tale of the coming of Christ.
Social Media Invites
What Is Our Season of Blessing?
"And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:16
November 28 – December 25
God has come – in the flesh! The four weeks of Advent are a time for us to ponder this idea in our hearts and in our minds and to reexamine how we live our lives in light of it.
So how do you prepare for Christmas? First, you must make it a priority! Slow down, read the Word, reflect on your past, present and future – understanding your own life is to be one of God’s gifts to the world. Try to recapture the wonder, expectation, and gratitude about the goodness of God in your life.
We are calling the Advent season at Silver Creek Fellowship a “Season of Blessing”. Being a “blessing” means that instead of looking inwardly towards self and self promotion, you maintain the discipline to look outwardly toward others, enough so that the other people that you are exposed to can feel the love of God through your abilities to make them feel comfortable, joyful, peaceful, and on-the-whole happy. Living to be a blessing is SO MUCH BETTER than living to be blessed!
How Can I Be a Blessing? We have many opportunities for you to be a blessing during this season. We don’t expect you to do all of them but please consider choosing one or two that your family can participate in.
- Give financially. We will be taking a special offering during this season that will go towards local and global needs. Local needs will include helping with any practical needs for people in our community. Global includes helping our friends in Gabon and Cambodia. GIVE HERE.
- Bless a friend, neighbor or stranger. Pick up one of our Blessing Boxes in our lobby to wrap up some goodies, coffee, or any other fun items to bless a neighbor, friend, or coworker. Pay for the person behind you in line at the coffee stand, rake somebody’s leaves – show somebody that you care, encourage one another, spur one another on!
- Invite someone to our CHRISTMAS LIGHT SPECTACULAR in our yard, Dec. 7, 13-14, 20-21, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Drive through and experience the joy of Christmas. Hot chocolate and cookies provided, all for free!
- Invite someone to A THRILL OF HOPE on December 21 or 22.
- Invite someone to our CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE.
Blessing Boxes
Blessing Boxes are for members to share a treat, book, coffee mug, etc. with someone to bless their day. Available in our lobby. We want to provide a way for you be the “fragrance of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:14) to those around you and show that #scfcares.