Jesus helps us have joy

Jesus helps us have joy

SCF Kids At Home Preschool July 14 Jesus helps us have joy. While Jesus, his mom Mary and his disciples are guests at a wedding, the servants run out of the special wedding drink. Jesus’ mom went right to the one person she knew could help— Jesus! Jesus did something...
Jesus helps us have joy

Jesus came to give the world joy

SCF Kids At Home Preschool July 7 Jesus came to give the world joy. An angel appears to tell some shepherds some good news that would cause great joy for all people. As in the whole world! Those shepherds went from frozen in fright to running with wonder! Joy had come...
I can have joy no matter what

I can have joy no matter what

SCF Kids At Home Preschool June 30 I can have joy no matter what. Habakkuk reminds us that even when things don’t go our way, we can still have joy and celebrate because God loves us. Habakkuk prays to God and says that, even if he couldn’t grow any food or his farm...
I can have joy no matter what

I can have joy when I see what God has made

SCF Kids At Home Preschool June 23 I can have joy when I see what God has made. King David loved God, and he liked to write songs to God. One time he wrote a song because everywhere he looked he saw things God made that gave him joy. We can look around and see what...
I can have joy no matter what

I can have joy when I do hard things

SCF Kids At Home Preschool June 16 I can have joy when I do hard things. The temple was where God’s people met to learn about God and praise God, but it had been destroyed. So God’s people decide to rebuild the temple. Temples are really big, and it was going to take...
I can have joy no matter what

I can have joy because God helps me

SCF Kids At Home Preschool June 9 I can have joy because God helps me. God wants His people, the Israelites, to take time to thank Him for all He had done. They grew lots of food, but it was God who helped them by providing the sun and rain to help the food grow. So...