Awaken the Longing

Awaken the Longing

Awaken The Longing The Story of the Prodigal Son. Finding our way back to God is a life time journey. Find out two options to discover the purpose you were created for. Awaken the Longing by Rob Barnes...
Awaken the Longing

Awaken the Wonder of Worship

Awaken the Wonder of Worship John 4:23-24: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship...
Awaken the Longing

Awaken the Power of Small Groups

Awaken the Power of Small Groups Romans 12:5 “In Christ we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.” Fellowship groups are a key part of Silver Creek Fellowship.  Find out more about why they are so important to your spiritual life. Awaken...
Awaken the Longing

Awaken to Your Birthrights

Awaken to your Birthrights “Thus we have we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage.  You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa!...
Awaken the Longing

Awaken the Witness

Awaken the Witness The more we share our lives with each other the more effective we will be in sharing his life with the world.   Awaken the Witness by Jeff Davidson Bulletin...