Famous Last Words
This series focuses on the last statements that Jesus spoke during his final hours. Although we’ve read them many times before, we may not really understand the profound benefits these words represent for our lives. This series is intended to help us see the message of Jesus last words on the cross and to unlock their full meaning and blessings for our lives.
Messages in this Series
The Word of Trust
The Word of Trust This message focuses on the text from Luke 23 with the key phrase: “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”
The Word of Victory
The Word of Victory A look at the key text in John 19; “It is finished” This message looks at Jesus’ finished work at the cross.
The Word of Humanity
The Word of Humanity Based in John 19, a look at the key phrase ‘I am thirsty”. This message looks at Jesus' humanity.
The Word of Substitution
The Word of Substitution Based in Matthew 27, this message focuses on the key phrase, "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me”, emphasizing that Jesus died in my place.
The Word of Love
The Word of Love A look at the key phrase that Jesus said to his mother Mary and best friend John in John 19, “Dear woman, here is your son”.
The Word of Assurance
The Word of Assurance A message about the assurance of our salvation based on one of Jesus' last words in Luke 23; “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
The Word of Forgiveness
The Word of Forgiveness A look at the key phrase in Luke 23; "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."