SCF Kids At Home


October 20

Think before you act.

In week 3, we head to 1 Samuel 24, where we find David on the run from his enemy, King Saul. Saul’s jealousy got the best of him, so he set out to kill David. While on the hunt, he entered a cave to relieve himself, which also happened to be the SAME cave where David was hiding! David could have killed Saul, but he chose to trust God and show self-control instead.

Bottom Line: Think before you act. Do you ever catch your body reacting to something before you can even think about it? Like when a baseball comes flying at you, you duck or stick out your hand to catch it before you even realize that you’re doing it. Sometimes it’s easy to react first and think later… and that can be a good thing. However, when we act out of anger or act before we think, our actions can do more harm than good.


Recent Lessons

Think before you speak

Think before you speak

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