The Return Home

The Return Home

The Return Home The Return Home A look at Ezra and Nehemiah. The Return Home by Kurt Barnes
The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End The Beginning of the End Continuing to look at the division of Israel, the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, and Daniel. The Beginning of the End by Rob Barnes
A Kingdom Torn in Two

A Kingdom Torn in Two

A Kingdom Torn in Two A Kingdom Torn in Two Continuing in 1 Kings. A Kingdom Torn in Two by Kurt Barnes
The Kings

The Kings

The Kings The Kings The stories of Saul, David, and Solomon. The Kings by Kurt Barnes
Take the Land

Take the Land

Take the Land Take the Land The story of how Joshua won many battles because he chose to serve the Lord who made him strong and courageous. Take the Land by Rob Barnes
A New Covenant

A New Covenant

A New Covenant A New Covenant Kurt shares three things that God reveals in the story of Moses found in Exodus. A New Covenant by Kurt Barnes