Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

How Then Shall We Live? Romans 12:1-8.  Paul introduces two hugely important ideas; service and sacrifice. By service and sacrifice we can experience what’s been said and by the promises we are free for a life of service and sacrifice. How Then Shall We Live? by...
Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: God Always Keeps His Promises

Due to technical difficulties there is no video or audio for this sermon.  The sermon notes are posted though! God Always Keeps His Promises! Romans 11:1-36.  God didn’t give up on the Israelites, He hasn’t given up on us and He is always of faithful. God...
Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: The Good News Is For Everybody!

The Good News Is For Everybody! Romans 10:1-21. Why did Israel miss out? Who can be saved today?  Thankfully, the Good News includes us. The Good News Is For Everybody by Kurt Barnes Bulletin...
Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: Let God Be God!

Let God Be God! A look at Romans chapter 9. Let God Be God! by Rob Barnes Bulletin...
Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: God Is For Us

God Is For Us! Based on Romans 8:31-39 – “What then, shall we say in response to this?  If God is for us, who can be against us? How shall we live if God is for us?  Can anything separate us from Him? God Is For Us by Rob Barnes...
Romans: How Then Shall We Live?

Romans: God’s Purpose For My Life

God’s Purpose For My Life “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ” Romans 8:28 – 31. God's Purpose For My Life by Rob Barnes...