Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

With the last sermon in the series, Rob Barnes speaks about how to be faithful in a faithless world in the middle of turmoil. Faithful In A Faithless World by Rob Barnes Bulletin...
Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: What Do I Do When My World Falls Apart

What Do I Do When My World Falls Apart? Based on Lamentation 3:1-10. We often face the battle of despair, when we feel like everything is falling apart.  God is here to help us fight that battle.  “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing...
Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: Surrounded By Lions

Surrounded By Lions Kurt Barnes speaks about Daniel’s faithfulness during his time of exile as we continue our “Fight” series. Surrounded By Lions by Kurt Barnes Bulletin...
Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: Why Is Life So Hard?

Why Is Life So Hard? Job 7:1 – “Why is life so hard?  And why do we suffer? (CEV).  Sometimes we make life a lot harder than God intended for us.  How can we fight through the bad to get to the good?  Find out more from this week’s message. Why Is...
Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: Why Is It So Hard To Change Myself?

Why Is It So Hard To Change Myself? Based on Ephesians 4:21-27:  “Since you have heard all about Jesus and you have learned the truth that is in him, throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and...
Fight: Faithful In A Faithless World

Fight: Set Free From Me

Set Free From Me Romans 8:1-4 – “So now there is no condemnation for those who BELONG TO CHRIST JESUS”!  Part 2 to “Fighting the Biggest Enemy” is what now?  How can I be free from doing the things that I don’t want to do?  This...