Family Clothing Swap and Share

August 26, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.  It’s FREE!
Outside in the tent

We will once again host a Clothing Swap and Share. This is the perfect event to outfit your family for the new school year, clean out old closets and drawers, and bless your friends and neighbors. We will be collecting, organizing and giving away clean, gently used clothing – sharing with one another, as well as the larger community, including our Mission of Hope guests. Plan to come on Saturday and find treasures for all the family to wear. Our desire is to bless both our friends in the church, as well as our neighbors, so begin to set aside now what you would like to contribute.


We will begin to accept donations on Sunday, August 20. New or lightly used clean clothing should be bagged and labeled by gender and age, and shoes bagged separately. Bins will be labeled for collection. Bring them to the tent.

Volunteer for set up, the day of the event, or clean up.