The Word of Love

The Word of Love

The Word of Love The Word of Love A look at the key phrase that Jesus said to his mother Mary and best friend John in John 19, “Dear woman, here is your son”. The Word of Love by Kurt Barnes

Because We Know

Because We Know Because We Know A message of love and comfort after the devastating ice storm that Silverton and the surrounding area faced. Rob shares 3 truths we need to know to make it through the tough times in our lives. Because We Know by Rob Barnes...
The Word of Love

The Word of Assurance

The Word of Assurance The Word of Assurance A message about the assurance of our salvation based on one of Jesus’ last words in Luke 23; “Today you will be with me in paradise.”  The Word of Assurance by Rob Barnes...


Grace Grace Jeff shares some of his story and how God’s grace has impacted it. Grace by Jeff Davidson Bulletin...


Revival Revival Based on Acts 1:6-14, Kurt gives a message of restoration and revival. Revival by Kurt Barnes Bulletin...