The Story of Joseph

The Story of Joseph

The Story of Joseph The Story of Joseph Rob shares the story of Joseph in Genesis and speaks about how God works all things together for our good. The Story of Joseph by Rob Barnes
God Builds a Nation

God Builds a Nation

God Builds a Nation God Builds a Nation Based in Genesis 12, the story of Abraham faith in obeying God’s call on his life. God Builds a Nation by Kurt Barnes

Press On For More

Press On For More Press On For More Philippians 3:10-15 “My goal is to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, assuming that I will somehow reach the resurrection from among the dead. Not...

Come With Us

Come With Us Come With Us Destiny, purpose, vision, joy, fulfillment, enthusiasm, pleasure, and abundance; how many of those words would you use to describe your life? Are you being filled with joy because you know that you are fulfilling the mission that God created...