Saturday, November 16, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works: my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 129: 14
We are uniquely fashioned. Different shapes. Different colors. Different backgrounds. Unique! Join us this year for our Women’s Conference “Uniquely Made” as we explore God’s careful, thoughtful and meticulous ways in which He created each of us. Just like us, no kaleidoscope is the same, as the patterns they create are unique and cannot be repeated. BUT when we reflect and illuminate our Creator (praising Him for His works and accepting our uniqueness in Him), we are stepping into what we were purposed for. And just like us, kaleidoscopes are meant for light reflection. Our Heavenly Father fearfully and wonderfully made each of us, but in order to FULLY and COMPLETELY step into our unique role, our unique purpose, we NEED Him. Then and only then, will we be a light for all to see.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 7:00 pm
Worship Night For All
Special worship night for the whole family with an introduction to our guest speaker, Amanda Wise.
Women’s Conference, 9 am – 4 pm
Lunch provided
Cost: $25 – Adults, $5 – High school girls (Register below)
Guest Speaker: Amanda Wise
Childcare available.
Having lived in the Oregon valley most of her life, Amanda Wise is best known as a devoted wife of 26 years, mother to five, “mami” to three little grands, and friend of Jesus. Amanda is passionate about connecting people to Jesus and helping them to tear down strongholds in their lives, step into spiritual freedom and walk in their God given identities. Besides having her BA in Christian Counseling, other avenues that Amanda enjoys ministering is through writing, speaking, discipleship, and leading women into intimacy with Jesus through the ministry of dance. Amanda enjoys the privilege of speaking for both youth and women’s events.
Having walked through many various life experiences of her own and being a retired homeschool mom who is in the last years of raising her youngest and simultaneously a grandmother, Amanda is able to relate to a wide range of women. Amanda loves gathering with her family at the dinner table (and just about anywhere else with them), time with her husband, Jesse, spending as much time as possible outdoors in the sunshine and enjoying her budding hobby farm.