How Does it Work?

Starting on Sunday, February 12 everybody at SCF will be asked to read one chapter a day for 40 days. Each chapter has a “QR Code”  in it that will link you to a daily short (2 minute) video and to a longer audio message on your smart phone.  (You can download a QR Reader for your smart phone at the APP store.) If you don’t have a smart phone then you can go to: or and click on “Learn My Purpose” in the upper right hand corner.  A dropdown menu will appear and you can click on what day you would like to hear.   At the end of each chapter is: 1) A Point to Ponder, 2) a Verse to Remember, 3) A Question to Consider, and 4) A Message to Hear. Then at some point during the week you will meet with your small group for a video lesson, discussion, and prayer.
SCF Kids will be participating on Sunday mornings and our Jr. High, Sr. High, and Young Adults will all participate on the nights they meet. We hope you will set aside time each day to meet with God.  Your life is worth the time to do this.  Let’s get started!

What On Earth Am I Here For?

Why am I here? What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God and his eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance come from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth.

Join us for this 6 week sermon series and small group study.  Our Fellowship groups will also be meeting for these 6 weeks to view a video, workbook, and discussion. All our our kids and youth groups will focus on this same theme during this time.

 If you are not in a Fellowship Group you are invited to the church at 6:00 pm on Sunday nights beginning February 12 – March 19 to participate.

Books will be sold in our lobby on Sundays for $10 each and workbooks are $7.  Everyone is encouraged to have their own workbook but can share the main book.  There will be an opportunity to join a group for this campaign.  If you are interested in joining see our special informational desk in our lobby or click on the request below.