Stories - God's Perfectly Orchestrated Timing
For as long as she can remember, Summer has struggled with anxiety or depression. As show got older, her anxiety and depression got worse and from high school on, she was on some form of medication. Throughout her relationship, college, getting married, a new job, she was on a number of medications to try to level her out. She would go through times of feeling good but then “it would take just a little bump in the road and I’d be a huge mess again.” The amount of medication she was on eventually made her not feel anything. “I would just walk around and be in this haze almost.” To feel anything, especially in social situations, Summer would drink. The alcohol would give her an upper or just loosen things up so she could fit in better with those around her. She eventually realized this wasn’t a normal or healthy way to medicate yourself.
At an annual checkup with her doctor, Summer was told she couldn’t get pregnant while she was on these medications. She and her husband Kurt began talking about what they wanted to have kids. Ten years into their marriage, they decided they wanted to try to start a family. They went to the doctor to see what they needed to do in order for this to happen safely. The doctor put her on the one medication that she could be on as well as a food supplement that would help with the pregnancy. In a matter of days, Summer’s life transformed. “I felt so different. I had my personality back. I had feelings I hadn’t felt in a long time. Suddenly I wanted to wake up in the morning.” This dramatic difference due to the food supplement revealed a problem that Summer’s body had with taking folic acid the right way. Once her body had the help it needed, Summer’s anxiety and depression had diminished dramatically.
At first, Summer struggled with understanding why God made her wait so long when it was such a simple fix, but eventually felt impacted that there was a reason behind everything and they way it all happened. “The timing was just all orchestrated so beautifully and so God.” Summer feels as though God has been able to peel away a layer at a time, helping her deal with whatever is thrown at her. Summer and Kurt now have 2 kids and she absolutely loves being a mom. “It is the best job, the best thing ever.” “This has been one of the best times in my life, and it feels like it’s just getting better.”
The timing was just all orchestrated so beautifully and so God.