Our Vision

Our Local Vision

To play our part, with other local Churches, in leading many people to Christ in Silverton, and the surrounding area.

  • To demonstrate Christian community, care and discipleship through outward looking small groups.
  • These groups are designed to multiply to help the Church grow.
  • To meet together each week to celebrate, hear God and learn together as a whole Church.
  • To encourage each person to be involved in living out the kingdom of God in the community.
  • To be involved in Kingdom projects in our town as God directs. Such projects will not be programs that are aimed at Christian consumers but will flow from our life together.

Our Wider Vision

  • To support the apostolic & prophetic ministry of Newfrontiers.
  • To see new churches planted across the United States, and especially in the Pacific Northwest.
  • We will support new church planting efforts in prayer and by investing people and money.
  • To support others who, from time to time, go to serve God in other cultures or nations and who are in fellowship with Silver Creek Fellowship.