SCF Kids At Home
PreteenSeptember 29
Jesus is the light of the world.
For week 4, we head to 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. Paul was writing a letter to the church in Corinth in which he shared about the troubles he and Timothy had faced. Yet in the midst of all their difficulties, Paul and Timothy were still able to praise God because of the comfort God offered them. In this passage, Paul encouraged the believers in Corinth to offer comfort to others who were in trouble because of the comfort they had experienced from God.
Bottom Line: Comfort others the way God comforts you. What brings you the most comfort? Maybe it’s a blanket, ice cream, or giving your pet a big squeeze. Maybe it’s talking with a friend or binge-watching your favorite show. As good as those choices may be, the best comfort of all comes from God. And because of God’s comfort towards us, we can be a comfort to others too.
Recent Lessons
When you’re angry, talk to God.
When you're angry, talk to God. Have you ever gotten so angry that you said the first thing that came to your mind and instantly regretted it? Anger doesn’t have to get the best of us. When we’re angry we need to be cautious of how we respond and go to God with our...
When you’re worried, trust God
When you're worried, trust God. Have you ever seen a flower bloom or a bird find food? Just like God cares for nature, and the birds and flowers have what they need in life, God cares for us so much more! When we let worry consume our thoughts, it can cause us to...
When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone
When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone. We start the month in John 11:1-45 with a peek into Jesus’ personal life. After the death of one of His friends, Jesus wept — even though He knew what would happen next. Jesus trusted that God would be with Him in His...
Never stop celebrating Jesus
December 29 Never stop celebrating Jesus. We finish up the month in Matthew 2:1-12. Wise Men from the east traveled long and far to meet Jesus. When they saw the star in the sky, they did everything they could to find the promised Savior. It didn’t matter that it took...
Celebrate Jesus with others
December 22 Celebrate Jesus with others. For week 4 we continue the story in Luke 2:8-20. Jesus was born, and it was now time to announce it to the world. Instead of heading to the wealthiest people, some angels visited the shepherds and announced Jesus’ birth to them...
Celebrate because God sent a Savior
December 15 Celebrate because God sent a Savior In week three, we head to Luke 2:1-7 for the birth of Jesus! This Word that God had promised from the beginning had finally arrived as a humble baby. It may not have been as everyone thought, such as a warrior or someone...
Celebrate because God is with you
December 8 Celebrate because God is with you. In week two, we turn to Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25. On both occasions, an angel visited Mary and Joseph to inform them that they would be the parents of the coming Savior of the world. They would call him Immanuel,...
God always had a plan to send Jesus
December 1 God always had a plan to send Jesus. We kick off week 1 at the very beginning. In John 1:1-5, 14, we learn that before there was anything, even life itself, there was the Word. Jesus was this Word — a light that became a human to shine in the darkness and...
Jesus showed us how to give
November 24 Jesus showed us how to give. We close out the month in 1 John 3:16-18. John was writing to a group of believers to encourage them and remind them about Jesus’ love for them. John described how Jesus gave the greatest example of love when he gave his life...
Give with a good attitude
November 17 Give with a good attitude. DOWNLOAD WEEKLY RESOURCESRecent Lessons
I always have something to give
November 10 You always have something to give. Can you think of a time when someone gave something to you or shared with you, even when they didn’t have much to give? Just the fact that they thought of you made their gift so much more meaningful. When we trust God...
God gives us good things
November 3 God gives us good things. We start the month with an insight from James 1:17a: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” (NIrV) Every good thing in our lives comes from God, starting with the gift of Jesus. When we take the time to reflect on all that God...
Know when to stop
October 27 Know when to stop. We end the month in Proverbs 25:16 with another one of Solomon’s wise sayings—this time about food: “If you find honey, eat just enough. If you eat too much of it, you will throw up.” Of course, Solomon’s words are true about more than...
Think before you act
October 20 Think before you act. In week 3, we head to 1 Samuel 24, where we find David on the run from his enemy, King Saul. Saul’s jealousy got the best of him, so he set out to kill David. While on the hunt, he entered a cave to relieve himself, which also happened...
Think before you speak
October 13 Think before you speak. In week 2, we head to Proverbs 12:18, where Solomon spoke about the power of words. He said, “The words of thoughtless people cut like swords. But the tongue of wise people brings healing.” Thoughtless, mean, and hurtful words can...
Be ready to do the right thing
October 6 Be ready to do the right thing. We start the month in Luke 4:1-13. We see how Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit and tempted by the devil for 40 days. Jesus was able to face these temptations because He was prepared and understood God’s Word. In...
Comfort others the way God comforts you
September 22 Comfort others the way God comforts you. For week 4, we head to 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. Paul was writing a letter to the church in Corinth in which he shared about the troubles he and Timothy had faced. Yet in the midst of all their difficulties, Paul and...
Make time to help others
September 15 Make time to help others. DOWNLOAD WEEKLY RESOURCESRecent Lessons
Use what you have to help others
September 8 Use what you have to help others. In week 2, we read about a massive miracle found in John 6:1-13. Jesus had just crossed over the Sea of Galilee with His disciples when a massive crowd arrived. Jesus knew that the people would be hungry . . . and instead...
You can shine God’s light
September 1 You can shine God's light. We wrap up the month in Romans 12:2. Paul was writing a letter to the Romans in which he encouraged them to “let [their] way of thinking be completely changed.” Paul wanted to remind the believers that God could continually...