SCF Kids At Home


July 14

Jesus helps us have joy.

While Jesus, his mom Mary and his disciples are guests at a wedding, the servants run out of the special wedding drink. Jesus’ mom went right to the one person she knew could help— Jesus! Jesus did something only he can do and turned six huge jars of water into the special wedding drink. Now, everyone could continue celebrating the bride and groom. Jesus gave the people at the wedding joy, and Jesus can give us joy too.


Recent Lessons

Jesus came to give the world joy

Jesus came to give the world joy

July 7 Jesus came to give the world joy. An angel appears to tell some shepherds some good news that would cause great joy for all people. As in the whole world! Those shepherds went from frozen in fright to running with wonder! Joy had come into the world! The...

I can have joy no matter what

I can have joy no matter what

June 30 I can have joy no matter what. Habakkuk reminds us that even when things don’t go our way, we can still have joy and celebrate because God loves us. Habakkuk prays to God and says that, even if he couldn’t grow any food or his farm didn’t have any animals, he...

I can have joy when I see what God has made

I can have joy when I see what God has made

June 23 I can have joy when I see what God has made. King David loved God, and he liked to write songs to God. One time he wrote a song because everywhere he looked he saw things God made that gave him joy. We can look around and see what God has made too. And we can...

I can have joy when I do hard things

I can have joy when I do hard things

June 16 I can have joy when I do hard things. The temple was where God’s people met to learn about God and praise God, but it had been destroyed. So God’s people decide to rebuild the temple. Temples are really big, and it was going to take a lot of hard work to...

I can have joy because God helps me

I can have joy because God helps me

June 9 I can have joy because God helps me. God wants His people, the Israelites, to take time to thank Him for all He had done. They grew lots of food, but it was God who helped them by providing the sun and rain to help the food grow. So the Israelites got everyone...

I can have joy because God loves me

I can have joy because God loves me

June 2 I can have joy because God loves me. Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep to help us understand just how much God loves us. A shepherd leaves 99 sheep to search for one lost sheep, and when he finds it, he rejoices! God’s love for us is big. We want our...

I can live for God

I can live for God

May 26 I can live for God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego have a choice to make. Are they going to live for the king and do what the king says OR are they going to live for God and do what God says? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego choose to live for God. They know...

I can talk about God to others

I can talk about God to others

May 19 I can talk about God to others. Jeremiah is a prophet, and he tells God’s people important things like “God loves you with a forever kind of love” and “God has plans for you.” And we want preschoolers to know that they can talk about God to others too. They can...

I can pray to God

I can pray to God

May 12 I can pray to God. Hannah talks to God when she is sad because she knows she can talk to God anytime, anywhere, and about anything. And after Hannah cries out to God and talks to Him about why she is so sad, she isn’t sad anymore. We want preschoolers to know...

I can hear from God

I can hear from God

May 5 I can hear from God. When King Josiah’s workers find scrolls with God’s words on them, he quickly reads the scrolls to hear from God. We want preschoolers to know they can hear from God too. Every time they listen to or read a Bible story, they can hear from God...

I shine when I do what Jesus says

I shine when I do what Jesus says

April 28 I shine when I do what Jesus says. The Bible teaches us that when we do what Jesus says—like when we don’t argue or complain—we will shine like stars! There will be people around us who complain or argue, but we can choose to do what Jesus says with a happy...

Jesus says to love like Him

Jesus says to love like Him

April 21 Jesus says to love like Him. Jesus tells his friends to love people the way he loves them. So the early church did what Jesus says and loved like Jesus! If someone needed a coat, a person would share their coat. If someone needed a place to stay, a person...

Jesus says to tell others about Him

Jesus says to tell others about Him

April 14 Jesus says to tell others about Him. Jesus gives his friends an important job to do—to go and tell everyone everywhere that Jesus is alive and he wants to be their friend forever—and we can do that job too! When we go and tell everyone everywhere that Jesus...

Jesus says to let my light shine

Jesus says to let my light shine

April 7 Jesus says to let my light shine. Jesus says that we are the light of the world. We can shine our light to show the world that Jesus loves them and wants to be their friend forever. We all have the choice to either hide or shine our light, and we want...

Jesus is alive!

Jesus is alive!

March 31 Jesus is alive! Jesus dies, is put in a tomb, and comes back just like he said he would, so we could be his friend forever. Yes, Jesus is alive and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. And Jesus wants to be your friend forever…every child’s friend...

We can celebrate Jesus

We can celebrate Jesus

March 24 We can celebrate Jesus. As Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, the people are so excited that they lay palm branches and coats on the road to make a special path for Jesus while they cheer and shout, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Yay, Jesus!” The people waved their palm...

Jesus is a good friend

Jesus is a good friend

March 17 Jesus is a good friend. Jesus does something unexpected to show His friends, the disciples, what it looks like to be a good friend. He didn’t show them how to defend someone in battle or how to convince a person to stop doing wrong. Instead, Jesus got a bowl...

Jesus wants everyone to follow him

Jesus wants everyone to follow him

March 10 Jesus wants everyone to follow him. Jesus begins forming what would become his team of 12 disciples. Jesus didn’t go to the religious leaders or the powerful political leaders to pick his team. No, instead Jesus went to a fishing boat where he asked Peter,...

Jesus wants to be friends with everyone, everywhere

Jesus wants to be friends with everyone, everywhere

March 3 Jesus wants to be friends with everyone, everywhere. The woman at the well had made wrong choices and those choices left her walking to a well, all alone, in the middle of the day. Top that with the fact that she was from a town where the people were not...