Jesus showed us how to have joy

Jesus showed us how to have joy

SCF Kids At Home Elementary July 14 Jesus showed us how to have joy. In week 2, we see Jesus’ first recorded miracle found in John 2:1-11. Everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time until…the wine ran out! Jesus knew the importance of celebrating and how...
Jesus showed us how to have joy

Jesus showed us how to have joy

SCF Kids At Home Preteen July 14 Jesus showed us how to have joy. In week 2, we see Jesus’ first recorded miracle found in John 2:1-11. Everyone was laughing, talking, and having a good time until…the wine ran out! Jesus knew the importance of celebrating and how it...
Jesus helps us have joy

Jesus helps us have joy

SCF Kids At Home Preschool July 14 Jesus helps us have joy. While Jesus, his mom Mary and his disciples are guests at a wedding, the servants run out of the special wedding drink. Jesus’ mom went right to the one person she knew could help— Jesus! Jesus did something...
Jesus showed us how to have joy

Jesus brings joy to the world

SCF Kids At Home Elementary July 7 Jesus brings joy to the world. We start the month in Luke 2:8-20. While shepherds were watching over their flock, an angel suddenly appeared, bringing great news: Jesus was born! The shepherds rushed off to see him, telling everyone...